
Thursday, April 8, 2010

To Milwaukee We Go!


 Peter got the chance over Spring break to go and visit a special friend in Milwaukee. We got to do all sorts of fun things while we were there. See how big he is compared to a baby Gorilla... 

 Look at some baby chicks... 

Do a Quick Milk delivery

Army Crawl through a net- the playground was so crowded that it was a little stressful- he did great though- he kept moving and tried a lot of new things!

 Ride his cart down a hill
 And play on the Piehl's deck for a long time while Kim and I caught up. It was such a great visit! We can't wait until June to see her again!            

1 comment:

vivida said...

Crawling through the army net was pretty brave, Pete. It looks like Pete was having alot of fun with Auntie Kim.